What is an API? It’s types, architecture, benefits and ultimate guide to API in 2024

Whenever you deliver food or book a car through Uber you can check the location of the rider through your phone, Uber doesn’t have a satellite to access the people and trace the location, then how does it show us the exact location of the rider? Well, it’s because Uber uses Google map’s API. So, what is an API?

In this blog we will discuss “What is an API?” and everything related to APIs as detailed as possible.

What is an API?

In this blog we will discuss “What is an API?” and everything related to APIs as detailed as possible.API plays a pivotal role in modern software development. Application programming interface (API) is a mechanism that enables two computer components to communicate with each other with the help of some defined rules and protocols.

For example; in games you see the “sign in with Google” button, it is because games are using Google’s API to receive your information from Google’s database, so we don’t have to enter our details manually. In this way games don’t have to confirm your credentials because it has already been done by Google.

How does API work?

The architecture of API can be explained in terms of a client server model. The application sending the request is the client and the application responding to the request is the server.

Clients cannot access the server’s data directly, so the server has placed a security layer between client and server and this layer is called an API. API is like a safety wall between client and server.

what is an api ?Just like an example explained before. Whenever Uber has to access some data from Google maps, Uber will ask Google maps’ API to fetch the data from Google maps’ system.

API will ask the system if it’s okay to give data to Uber, if Google’s system thinks it’s valid and is fine to give data to Uber, the system will give data to API and the API will take the same data to Uber. But in any case, if the system refuses the API will generate an error message.

The transfer of data between client, server and API is not visible to the user.

What are the different API architectures?

what is an api and it's typesThere are different API architecture styles according to the needs. There are six different ways an API can work depending on the when and why they are created. So let’s learn about APIs and different styles and take a sneak peak at the interconnected world of computers.

1.      SOAP API: Soap uses Simple Object Access Protocol. It’s veteran in the field. It’s mature, comprehensive and XML based. SOAP is heavily used in financial services and payment gateways where security and reliability is the key. However if you are working on a lightweight project or a quick prototype SOAP might be overkill due to its complexity and verbosity.

2.      REST API: They are like internet back-bone. They are popular, easy to implement and use HTTP methods. Most of the services you interact with on a daily basis like Twitter and YouTube are powered by REST API. But if you need real time data and operate with a highly connected data model, REST might not be the good fit for you.

detailed article on APIs by developerhaseeb

3.      GraphQL API: It’s not just an architectural style but also a query language, allowing clients to ask for specific data as they need. It means no more over fetching and under fetching of data. You ask for exactly what you need. This leads to more efficient network communication and faster responses. Facebook used GraphQL to deliver precise data to its billions of users.

Now, it’s used by companies like GitHub and Shopify. Its flexibility and efficiency make it a strong choice for applications with complex data requirements. But the GraphQL does come with a steep learning curve. It also requires more processing on server side due to its flexible querying capabilities.

4.      RPC API: It is also known as Remote Procedure Calls. It’s modern and has high performance and it uses protocol buffers by default. It’s a favorite for micro services architecture companies like Netflix uses RPC to handle their inter-service communication. However if you are dealing with browser clients, RPC might impose some challenges due to limited browser support.

5.  Websocket API: It is a real time, bidirectional and persistent connection.  It’s perfect for live chat applications and real-time gaming, where low-latency data exchange is crucial.  But if your application doesn’t require real time data, using Websockets might be an unnecessary overhead.

6.      Webhook API: It is an event-driven, HTTP callback and asynchronous operation. For example, GitHub uses Webhooks to notify your system whenever a new commit is pushed. But if you need synchronous communication and immediate response, Webhook might not suit you well.

Most people only talk about the famous 4 APIs because GraphQL and Webhook API are not very popular.

What are the benefits of API?

Some benefits of API are as follows;

  • ·         Automation.
  • ·         Security.
  • ·         Improves productivity.
  • ·         Efficiency.
  • ·         Improved customer experience.
  • ·         Personalization.
  • ·         Scalability.
  • ·         Easier maintenance.
  • ·         Wider range.
  • ·         Partnerships.
  • ·         Integration.
  • ·         Resources.

What are the types of APIs?

APIs are classified as both their architecture and scope of use. We have discussed the architecture of APIs in detail. Now let’s take a deep dive into the scope of the API.

1.      Public APIs:  Public API is also known as Open API. Just like the name suggests they are open to the public and anyone can access them. They are Open source programming interfaces that can be accessed with HTTP protocol.

2.      Partner APIs:  They are used to connect tactical business partners. They are only accessible by the authorized business-business partnerships.

3.      Private APIs: Private API is also known as Internal API. They are accessible only within a business and are used for connecting data and systems in a business. They are hidden from the user interface.

4.      Composite API: Multiple underlying APIs are combined into a single interface, providing a united view of related functionalities. Composite APIs are useful in micro services architecture where performing a single task may require information from several sources.


In conclusion, the role of APIs in modern software development cannot be overstated. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, serve as the vital communication bridge between various computer components, enabling seamless interaction and data exchange. As demonstrated through examples like Uber’s integration with Google Maps API, APIs facilitate the retrieval and sharing of information across different applications and systems.

Understanding the architecture of APIs reveals the intricate layers of communication between clients, servers, and the API itself, ensuring data security and integrity. With various API architectures such as SOAP, REST, GraphQL, RPC, Websocket, and Webhook, developers have the flexibility to choose the most suitable approach based on project requirements, balancing factors like performance, real-time data needs, and complexity.

The benefits of APIs extend beyond mere technical facilitation, encompassing automation, security enhancement, productivity improvement, customer experience enhancement, and scalability among others. Moreover, APIs are classified based on their scope of use, ranging from public APIs accessible to all, to partner APIs for business collaborations, private APIs for internal business operations, and composite APIs for unified functionality.

In essence, APIs serve as the backbone of interconnected digital ecosystems, enabling seamless integration, innovation, and collaboration across diverse platforms and applications. As technology continues to evolve, the importance of APIs will only grow, shaping the future landscape of software development and digital interactions.

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