How to index articles on Google? Super fast article indexing

Article Indexing is Fun

Article indexing on Google quickly and efficiently is crucial for bloggers and content creators. Here’s a comprehensive guide to achieving speedy article indexing:

1. Create High-Quality Content:

Your articles should be well-researched, informative, and engaging. High-quality content is more likely to be indexed and ranked by Google.

2. Optimize for SEO:

Use relevant keywords strategically in your articles, including titles, headers, body text, and image alt attributes. Ensure your content is well-structured with proper HTML tags.

3. Submit Your Sitemap:

If you have a website, create an XML sitemap that lists all your articles and pages. Submit this sitemap through Google Search Console for better indexing.

4. Use Google Search Console:

Verify ownership of your website and use Google Search Console to submit individual URLs or sitemaps. This tool allows you to monitor indexing status and receive notifications about potential issues.

5. Internal Linking (Crucial):

Internally link your articles to other relevant content on your website. This aids Google’s bots in crawling and indexing your content efficiently.

6. Backlinks:

Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to enhance the visibility and indexation of your articles.

7. Avoid Duplicate Content:

Unique, original content is more likely to be indexed. Steer clear of duplicate or plagiarized content, which can lead to non-indexing.

8. Mobile-First Indexing:

Prioritize mobile optimization because Google predominantly uses the mobile version of websites for indexing and ranking.

9. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness):

Establish yourself or your authors as experts in your field, build authority, and ensure your content is trustworthy and well-referenced.

Article indexing

Golden Technique:

Ensure your articles are a minimum of 1500 words, as Google considers longer, in-depth content more valuable. Conduct competitor research and aim to create unique and more comprehensive content. Manually submit your articles for indexing via Search Console.

Additional Tip:

If you encounter indexing issues, embed a relevant HD video related to your article’s topic from YouTube and then resubmit. Google tends to favor content with embedded videos.

Common Issues with Non-Indexing (and How to Address Them):

– Check for a “noindex” meta tag in your HTML and remove it if necessary.

– Ensure your content is high-quality, well-written, and valuable.

– Optimize your website’s speed and performance.

– Monitor Google Search Console for crawl errors and technical issues.

– Maintain a reliable hosting environment to prevent server-related issues.

– Keep your website secure and free from vulnerabilities.

– Periodically update and refresh older content to maintain indexation.


By following these steps and addressing common indexing issues, you can significantly improve your chances of having your articles indexed by Google. This will boost your website’s visibility and increase traffic, which is essential for bloggers and content creators.

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