Nimra Shabbir

Hi! I'm Nimra . I am a person who dreams in day time and stay awake till late at night to make my dreams come true. I am a graphic designer, logo designer, virtual assistant, music editor, poem and story writer and a virtual assistant. Also, I am an undergraduate student. I had worked in many different fields and I am trying to find my true self.

social media addiction and its effects in 2024

Harmful Social media addiction and its effects in 2024

In this era where everything is being revolutionize and digitalized, social media addiction and its effects has turned into an unavoidable issue that is influencing a majestic number of people all over the world. The steady need to really take a look at notifications, scrolling through content and engaging in online discussion can affect individuals

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Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2024

Introduction: Web development has evolved significantly over the years, and with the rise of Python as a versatile and powerful programming language,  Python  frameworks for web development have become increasingly popular. These frameworks provide developers with a structured environment to build robust, scalable, and secure web applications. In this article, we will explore some of

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What are the latest tech trends in 2024? Exciting new technology

In the realm of technology, change is not just constant; it’s accelerating As we stride into , the landscape of innovation continues to evolve at a breathtaking pace, ushering in an era of unprecedented progress and transformation From artificial intelligence to renewable energy solutions, a plethora of emerging tech trends is reshaping industries and redefining

What are the latest tech trends in 2024? Exciting new technology Read More »

What is an API? It’s types, architecture, benefits and ultimate guide to API in 2024

Whenever you deliver food or book a car through Uber you can check the location of the rider through your phone, Uber doesn’t have a satellite to access the people and trace the location, then how does it show us the exact location of the rider? Well, it’s because Uber uses Google map’s API. So,

What is an API? It’s types, architecture, benefits and ultimate guide to API in 2024 Read More »

What is Inode Limit in Hosting? Ultimate guide to Inodes in 2024

Websites are the digital storefronts of today, comprising numerous files and folders stored on hosting servers. An essential aspect often overlooked is the Inode limit, which determines the maximum number of files and folders a server can accommodate. Understanding and managing Inode usage is crucial for maintaining a well-functioning website. In this guide, we’ll explore

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Apple Watch: US upholds ban on sale over patent dispute | 2024 news

The Apple Watch has become a game-changer in the world of wearable technology, seamlessly combining style and practicality. From its beginnings as a simple timekeeping device, it has transformed into a versatile companion, serving as a health and fitness tracker, communication hub, and an integral part of the Apple ecosystem. Let’s take a closer look

Apple Watch: US upholds ban on sale over patent dispute | 2024 news Read More »

Programming Languages To Learn in 2024 | Master These Languages For Professional Growth

 Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of the IT industry, the choice of a programming language plays a pivotal role in a developer’s career. With a myriad of options available, selecting the right language requires careful consideration of factors like learning curve, market demand, job opportunities, and community support. In this guide, we explore the top

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Master 10 High Income Skills in 2024 to Earn Money

Introduction: In the ever-evolving job market of 2024, the value of skills has become as crucial as, if not more than, traditional degrees. Companies are prioritizing individuals with high income skills, recognizing that these competencies often translate into six-figure incomes. High income skills to learn in 2024: In this blog post, we’ll explore the top

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Graphic Design Roadmap 2024 | This blog will make you a successful designer

Ever wondered about the secrets behind exceptional logos? The answer lies in the hands of Graphic Designers, the magicians who breathe life into company branding. If you aspire to join their ranks, you’re in the right place. This graphic design roadmap unveils the essential steps and resources to guide your journey into the world of

Graphic Design Roadmap 2024 | This blog will make you a successful designer Read More »

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